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Quand maman sourit

  • L’UNITHÉÂTRE 8627 91 Street Edmonton, AB, T6C 3N1 Canada (carte)

by Sarah Migneron

Lucienne, an only child, is living in perfect happiness when all of a sudden, her parents tell her great news: she is going to become a big sister! At first, Lucienne is a little worried, but her parents' enthusiasm quickly reassures her. However, as soon as her brother is born, everything changes: Jacques occupies her parents day and night, and Lucienne feels lonely. When her mother smiles, Lucienne no longer believes her: where has the gaiety that used to light up her smiles gone? Lucienne then decides to become the best big sister in the world to bring joy back to her family. Will Lucienne succeed in helping her mother regain her true smile, the one that makes the blue of her eyes shine? A story about family, illness, but above all, love.

Dates and times:

  • April 5 2025 1:30pm

  • School tour

Événement ultérieur: 15 mai
Le malade imaginaire